Simple Elegance Bouquet

  • Simple Elegance Bouquet
  • Simple Elegance Bouquet
  • Simple Elegance Bouquet
  • Simple Elegance Bouquet
  • Simple Elegance Bouquet
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Envision a chic, compact bouquet of exquisite high-end flowers, epitomizing pure elegance with its arrangement of lush roses, stocks, and veronica, all harmonizing in the same color palette. Complemented by just a touch of eucalyptus foliage, this bouquet truly celebrates the beauty of the blooms. It is presented in water, encased in a hessian keepsake or reusable bag, and elegantly completed with a luxurious boho chiffon ribbon.

Available in other colour options.


Please note: Flowers,foliage and accessories may differ slightly depending on seasonal availability, but the overall look will remain the same.

This item requires 1 days notice to order.

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